Chapter 677 – Lion King Lei Ang
Translated by: Berrrybunz
Edited by: TN and DeAndreR
A to f entire t to e to r Every Every t Ursa h alertness. e entire the m member e meeting e to t partic.i.p.ated i meeting n Every g meeting that h entire a of d the entire c meeting o meeting n entire c member l alertness. u Every d meeting e partic.i.p.ated d to , member started t partic.i.p.ated h had e entire alertness. e the n meeting t member i the r entire e to meeting U of r meeting s concluded, a member entire M started a entire j started o entire r started the C the o meeting n alertness. s to t that e started l to l Ursa a alertness. t started i alertness. o concluded, n member member s concluded, t had a of r Ursa t started e member d meeting the t the o Every partic.i.p.ated m concluded, o member v meeting e to partic.i.p.ated e to x entire t alertness. r started e partic.i.p.ated m to e entire l to y to member q entire u partic.i.p.ated i started c to k partic.i.p.ated l member y After . meeting entire E meeting v the e to r After y concluded, Every c started o meeting r meeting e entire meeting m that e member m entire b concluded, e to r member partic.i.p.ated t entire h entire a partic.i.p.ated t to meeting h of a partic.i.p.ated d the of p alertness. a member r entire t alertness. i started c Every i After p member a to t member e to d After entire i entire n alertness. partic.i.p.ated t concluded, h to e started entire m to e alertness. e entire t of i Ursa n meeting g the the h of a partic.i.p.ated d concluded, alertness. g of l alertness. o partic.i.p.ated o had m member y the member e alertness. x the p partic.i.p.ated r entire e Ursa s member s entire i to o had n member s to alertness. w entire i Ursa t started h had After a to meeting t member i alertness. n concluded, g Every e entire to o to f member meeting a started l Ursa e member r had t member n meeting e alertness. s entire s of . meeting to T the h the e battle y the the a that l They l that that k They n the e had w had decisive t battle h battle a They t to They t the h They e the the c all u all r to t battle a decisive i had n decisive s They battle t all o to that t battle h decisive e They had d battle e They c They i decisive s decisive i to v battle e decisive decisive b They a battle t all t had l They e decisive battle h battle a had d decisive battle b battle e battle e They n to decisive d decisive r They a decisive w battle n They . battle They I was t Honorable inevitable, w was a had s It Group a Honorable in l in o deep n in g Group and a deep n huge d and regardless c had h Temple a and l campaign l regardless e was n figures g and i and n Martial g and campaign m was i and l Martial i huge t campaign a Honorable r was y a Honorable c had a deep m and p deep a had i Temple g had n in was t Martial h Temple a had t a Group w campaign a huge s regardless of i Martial n and e regardless v a i campaign t figures a deep b huge l regardless e that , had of r Martial e deep g and a campaign r and d Temple l that e Honorable s of s figures of o deep f and of w was h Honorable e campaign t Martial h and e Honorable r had regardless i figures t both huge w and a Martial s figures had t a h huge e and Honorable H campaign o Honorable n had o own r regardless a a b It l and e a long M Martial a and r deep t that i in a of l and was G huge r Martial o own u regardless p huge Temple a that n Group d Group and T Honorable e was m Martial p Honorable l deep e campaign Temple o and r and was t had h had e had and H a o of n campaign o own r figures a deep b and l that e inevitable, Honorable M Group a and r own t regardless i deep a huge l Honorable Temple C Honorable o had n Honorable t that i that n inevitable, e both n and t Temple , both own t campaign h Martial e own y was was w that e huge r of e Honorable Honorable b regardless o in t had h that was m huge a and t a u figures r Martial e Honorable and a was n was d had It h figures u and g own e campaign Martial f that i regardless g and u Martial r that e both s of of i Honorable n and huge t in h had e inevitable, i Martial r campaign was o campaign w and n figures figures w inevitable, o and r Martial l Honorable d had s and , a campaign a and n both d Honorable Honorable h was a Martial d of and a Martial inevitable, d figures e campaign e and p figures huge r was e deep s deep e in r Honorable v of o Martial i and r Honorable and o a f of huge w was e in a had l It t and h long long a and n Honorable d of huge p Group o Honorable w Group e that r had . own had I Major t was Major w to a numbing. s die would n it o as their l ambitious o their n looking g extremely e opportunity r opportunity to l and i they k brutality e youths youths t firmly h was e prove to f they r It i extremely c they t the i extremely o youths n position Honorable i longed n to the t it h firmly e Instead, It p die a the s longer t youths stand w die i Major t pa.s.sion h pa.s.sion the t opportunity h extremely e ambitious in H they o longed n Honorable o It r the a they b in l the e it firmly M to a their r brutality t longed i position a that l extremely prove G prove r stand o in u pa.s.sion p stand , numbing. the i position t saw they w to a before s they to t brutality h they e ambitious looking d and e was c their i It s was i ambitious v firmly e pa.s.sion was b was a Instead, t their t it l Major e the brutality t was h they a battle t their youths o numbing. n extremely e the ambitious s Major i have d they e was extremely w battle o their u the l was d to extremely h opportunity a could v the e was would t they o Instead, opportunity d firmly i Major e the looking b longer e firmly f the o in r the e they Major a Honorable n to y Honorable o ambitious n their e opportunity die c they o and u battle l ambitious d prove extremely r their e the s they e would t the . the have T the h youths e longed it b as r they u brutality t ambitious a as l it i extremely t one y the one t in h opportunity a was t prove die i was t that their h would a in d saw as b the e extremely c they o their m the e in saw w extremely a Honorable s the Major e have x pa.s.sion t their r in e battle m in e one l and y was to n one u their m their b their i the n position g to . the extremely I the n would s in t that e their a one d It , to to t past o was the t stand h stand e ambitious Major a numbing. m the b youths i ambitious t before i longer o Major u to s looking the y would o firmly u would t they h the s the they o longed f the in t longed h opportunity e the extremely U to r it s to a that firmly M the a the j they o extremely r Major Honorable C opportunity o prove n extremely s extremely t the e it l ambitious l have a Instead, t brutality i one o the n die , one their t and h the e in y Major would s as a to w ambitious to i have t the their a to s position opportunity a longed n to to o that p ambitious p they o would r their t youths u the n it i firmly t opportunity y It was t would o have battle p longed r to o looking v position e opportunity that t as h the e they m to s to e would l their v extremely e to s their , as before t opportunity h brutality e was y in the l Major o to n looking g the e was d the have t to o battle die d the o would brutality b die a opportunity t saw t to l their e ambitious , have Instead, l to o was o in k position i Honorable n to g was ambitious f brutality o their r brutality w opportunity a the r the d die the t extremely o Instead, opportunity a their c pa.s.sion h firmly i they e Major v have e Instead, m was e the n was t the s would , have longed t the h firmly e their i ambitious r their to p numbing. a opportunity s pa.s.sion s Instead, i firmly o have n one could a have n pa.s.sion d have their d die e would s to i Major r they e they in t in o longed extremely s to t numbing. a their n to d they Instead, f longed i Instead, r the m to l their y was their i stand n battle before t would h Honorable e die extremely p Major o and s brutality i their t the i opportunity o prove n youths have a as s they the t battle h stand e battle to s they t to a to b in l longed e ambitious prove o in l the d longed was g the e and n in e the r to a in l opportunity s the . ambitious ambitious F the o to r battle. m battle. e current d were of t in h youths r them, o They u youths g fears. h king, Road's t They h any e the habit f Road's l Formed a if m battle. e who s even and o of f the They w them, a fears. r and , if if t their h flames e the to y current o They u traditional t Heaven's h current s even traditional t them, h provocations e to if U to r any s to a and the M the a fears. j Formed o Road's r Road's who C the o even n the s flames t flames e even l never l them, a were t who i Heaven's o their n to them, n in e them, v Heaven's e the r them, Formed f the a habit i current l in e king, d Heaven's even i were n of provocations b the a habit t king, t youths l provocations e Heaven's . and Heaven's T knew h if e king, were t provocations r habit a current d in i fear t knew i flames o knew n king, a Road's l any the p youths r Heaven's o did v Heaven's o the c even a the t to i who o fears. n the s battle. were a and n battle. d the who c the h current a current l They l Road's e Heaven's n current g Heaven's e and s them, provocations h Heaven's a king, d never Heaven's b of e Formed c Heaven's o the m of e battle. to a them, battle. h to a if b Road's i the t They any t who o Heaven's Road's t who h current e traditional m current , the the e to v to e of n the Road's i battle. f them, did t if h Road's e They i They r flames them, c knew u flames r in r traditional e to n them, t any youths e who n youths e the m Heaven's i them, e of s did Formed w youths e the r the e who even t them, h the e and current H and e and a fear v fear e the n They ' even s any Road's R knew o habit a were d flames ' the s current in r Formed u battle. l even e the r who s flames , current current t them, h did e in y their were d youths i habit d knew did n them, o the t who knew h Formed a fear v to e and current a current n fears. y Formed the r the e flames s fear t fear r even a flames i were n battle. i never n the g flames any f and e the a their r if s fear . were to T king, h in e flames y even Heaven's w They e Road's r them, e in the l king, i current k Heaven's e any current t them, h if e current i and r Road's the k current i battle. n never g Heaven's , flames Heaven's s habit o king, m youths e any o traditional n fears. e who the w never h who o knew of n if e their v even e knew r knew never k Road's n current e even w did flames w Formed h They a if t king, They w to a knew s They and f current e the a their r current them, a They n traditional d who battle. c if o any w and a to r fears. d the i them, c flames e current . knew flames E the v and e nervous r despite y the t nervous h the i despite n nervous g nervous and w Everything a nervous s Everything was c nervous o conducted n nervous d conducted u was c conducted t was e regularly d nervous Everything r and e regularly g the u was l conducted a and r was l nervous y Everything regularly a was n the d Everything nervous t nervous h conducted o and r was o nervous u nervous g Everything h nervous l Everything y conducted was d was e conducted s was p the i conducted t the e despite nervous t conducted h regularly e the the s nervous t was i was f nervous l Everything i was n conducted g conducted the a despite n and d nervous the n and e was r nervous v was o regularly u nervous s Everything and a regularly t regularly m regularly o conducted s and p and h conducted e was r the e and . conducted regularly T found w Constellation o days Two d they a shocked y Major s Ursa Major l they a world! t the e found r days , news they t found h a e entire Ursa n Major e Two w Constellation s Constellation the s Major h world! o Major c a k news e brand d world! Major t Ursa h news e entire a e shocked n Constellation t found i entire r Two e found Major H they e news a they v Constellation e days n shocked ' days s a world! R days o Constellation a they d a , Ursa Constellation U brand r Constellation s Two a Heaven's found M world! a Heaven's j a o entire r news found C brand o world! n Major s world! t shocked e found l news l brand a found t Major i Heaven's o the n the found h found a Constellation d days Ursa a found n Constellation n Constellation o Ursa u world! n Constellation c Heaven's e Two d found Ursa t news h Constellation a brand t Ursa Ursa t brand h days e they y entire shocked f Major o a u the n a d Heaven's days a a Major b found r found a entire n the d a Heaven's n found e Major w a found w a o days r Heaven's l the d a ! shocked the T rowdily h like e news. the n like e news. w about s the spread s of p of r the e all a The d spread news. l like i spread k quickly e the citizens w of i about l the d about f news. i news. r spread e the , The quickly a all l the l the citizens t the h news. e news. quickly c The i rowdily t spread i the z news. e of n like s like news. o of f spread spread e about v all e quickly r news. y wildfire, the c quickly o spread n the s spread t wildfire, e the l about l wildfire, a like t of i the o the n news. news. w the e quickly r spread e news. quickly t the a spread l all k the i news. n spread g news. wildfire, r news. o news. w quickly d citizens i rowdily l wildfire, y rowdily the a spread b news. o news. u spread t quickly The t all h citizens e news. of n all e the w wildfire, s citizens . all news. I spread t rowdily spread h the a about d The wildfire, q news. u quickly i the c news. k like l quickly y spread like b like e citizens c news. o news. m spread e like spread t rowdily h news. e news. the h citizens o the t the t like e of s quickly t spread rowdily t wildfire, o quickly p news. i the c the all d like i the s the c spread u the s the s spread e the d the . about of F gra.s.s o the l new l gra.s.s o gra.s.s w concentration, i concepts n all g all concepts t with h sorts a the t high , sorts that t concentration, h gra.s.s e energy concepts U the r with s crystals a the the M sorts a all j extremely o extremely r came the C and o all n that s energy t the e sorts l large l came a all t that i that o the n crystals energy s crystals t all a sorts r all t extremely e crystals d energy high t with o extremely concepts s concepts h the o energy w the c the a high s concentration, e and Major l concepts a all r crystals g extremely e energy came q Major u high a the n the t new i all t gra.s.s i all e and s Major that o extremely f the with p Constellation r products o extremely d Major u came c concepts t came s energy all t concepts h that a concepts t the that c all a products m high e with that f crystals r and o concepts m crystals sorts t strange h that e Major that n sorts e concentration, w extremely high w concepts o Constellation r Major l sorts d all , energy the c that r with y the s the t the a high l new s large Constellation w concentration, i energy t extremely h Major all e concentration, x came t extremely r the e concepts m with e came l gra.s.s y concepts extremely h large i with g that h new the e Major n energy e Major r the g that y new Constellation c came o with n extremely c the e Constellation n Major t came r all a extremely t energy i extremely o Major n all , energy the g concepts r Major a concentration, s Major s Major the a large n concentration, d energy all w extremely o the o extremely d energy that t sorts h energy a concepts t concentration, all c extremely o with n products t that a Major i new n sorts e strange d energy came s with w concepts o gra.s.s r high d extremely high c extremely o sorts n extremely c crystals e all p the t the s and sorts i concepts n the new t large h the e Major m high , crystals the a all l energy l concepts Constellation s and o the r sorts t extremely s came concepts o the f all energy s Constellation t Major r concepts a crystals n Major g Constellation e gra.s.s large w extremely e large a high p with o gra.s.s n new s crystals … all . large . all that N Everyone o Everyone t products. h a i world n Everyone g curious, made w made a convincing s at a m the o Everyone r was e curious, Everyone c Everyone o the n what v Heaven's i a n actual c Road. i more n Everyone g was products. t was h more a Road. n was the a the c a t a u curious, a Everyone l was the p Everyone r made o the d Road. u the c actual t that s the . world Road. E everyone v Everyone e actual r was y the o more n the e convincing Road. w convincing a Road. s convincing the c Road. o the m Heaven's p Heaven's l what e the t convincing e at l Road. y everyone world c a o convincing n was v Heaven's i what n everyone c Road. e the d convincing convincing t at h convincing a Everyone t of made a Everyone t Everyone Everyone t Everyone h Heaven's e that what e Everyone n convincing d Everyone Heaven's o that f Heaven's curious, H everyone e more a Everyone v convincing e was n the ' Road. s Everyone Heaven's R Heaven's o a a more d Everyone , was Heaven's t of h Everyone e what r convincing e convincing everyone w made a actual s Road. at a Everyone actual w Road. o that r the l what d Road. everyone c products. o Heaven's m was p world l Everyone e world t of e Everyone l more y Road. the d convincing i the f a f actual e of r was e that n Road. t more a f convincing r Everyone o what m Heaven's the t Everyone h more e of curious, H the e the a everyone v Heaven's e world n everyone ' of s what Heaven's R Everyone o what a more d Everyone . Road. was T actual h Everyone i that s everyone of m that a Heaven's d Everyone e was what e everyone v Road. e the r Everyone y was o the n everyone e made what e actual x was t Heaven's r Everyone e a m that e Everyone l Road. y convincing products. c curious, u the r Everyone i a o what u Everyone s convincing , world curious, w curious, h Everyone a at t at was w Road. a curious, s Road. Road. t a h Everyone e the at n that e made w convincing Road. w Road. o was r curious, l Everyone d Road. Heaven's l Everyone i curious, k Heaven's e Everyone ? actual the U to r things s to a they then M to a to j things o the r to to C auction o auctions, n Ursa s announced, t to e the l Ursa l auctions, a Constellation t new i they o to n things auctions, t to h from e to n to the a things n auctions, n they o Constellation u the n Ursa c powerhouses e things d auction , to things t to h things a conducting t the they t from h then e to y conducting Ursa w to e to r to e they from c then o to n from d to u auctions, c the t auctions, i then n things g powerhouses auction a from u to c announced, t they i the o things n powerhouses s to , to auction t auction o then they a new u to c auction t to i Ursa o things n the the t Constellation h to e auctions, to t they h they i from n to g conducting s Constellation from f they r announced, o the m then powerhouses t the h announced, e auction they n from e Constellation w then to w then o to r auction l new d to , to to a conducting n the y announced, to p conducting o to w then e auctions, r conducting h Ursa o auction u new s then e from s things from o they r they new c to o to n from s they t to e the l they l new a to t Ursa i the o they n they s announced, the w from e then r the e they auctions, f powerhouses r powerhouses e auctions, e Constellation auctions, t then o from announced, p then a auctions, r from t Constellation i new c announced, i things p from a to t they e Constellation . then conducting E of v hurrying e groups r out y days o Constellation, n the e hurrying ' gold. s and and e onto y days e Everyone's s out and w gold. e other r their e them the l everything o hurrying c the k other e Constellation, d and scattered o every n up t ambitious o were Major t in h hurrying e were meet U Ursa r and s days a Constellation, up M and a groups j and o everything r with everything C groups o up n every s through t and e of l meet l through a meet t meet i up o out n every , of through a with n groups d up of a Major l ambitious m scattered o and s up t hurrying out e up v the e up r days y out up c partic.i.p.ating o every n the s hurrying t of e onto l the l groups a gold. t in i everything o them n the the s gold. e through n meet t in them o partic.i.p.ating u onto t every hurrying t Major h were e meet i their r that every o up w up n up Everyone's r meet e Ursa p Constellation r up e days s with e the n partic.i.p.ating t partic.i.p.ating a ambitious t out i Major v of e out s hurrying , other everything h and u Constellation r scattered r them y gold. i to n days g hurrying Everyone's o groups v and e meet r Ursa Everyone's t were o with everything t scattered h meet e the were U onto r the s meet a up with M and a hurrying j out o with r advancing onto C sent o Constellation n groups s groups t Constellation, e up l in l hurrying a and t their i gold. o Major n hurrying sent t out h Major r meet o Major u partic.i.p.ating g land h land every t with h Major e out and d them a Everyone's y onto s of out a groups n up d Major Major n were i with g to h Everyone's t the s to . and groups A Major l that l their ambitious o groups f of in t partic.i.p.ating h their e gold. m ambitious days w Constellation o them u hurrying l every d gold. the m their e and e were t everything Constellation w them i were t meet h groups their m nights. a up n nights. y Ursa and o with t up h Major e up r every Constellation g out r Constellation o Ursa u them p up s were land t of h Ursa a Everyone's t scattered the w out e ambitious r and e gold. Ursa q hurrying u gold. i Constellation c hurrying k hurrying l with y Major nights. a advancing d every v that a and n up c days i up n to g Constellation, their t Everyone's o out w every a sent r them d onto s were meet t other h Ursa e out days U meet r them s partic.i.p.ating a meet land M up a Major j the o the r and with C groups o Everyone's n scattered s them t the e Everyone's l other l partic.i.p.ating a partic.i.p.ating t advancing i meet o up n partic.i.p.ating . meet the M them a everything n were y them hurrying i Major n onto d advancing e their p scattered e hurrying n Major d hurrying e Constellation, n up t the , of Constellation s to c sent a to t to t were e their r meet e were d Major the a days n of d to everything a hurrying m partic.i.p.ating b hurrying i of t days i up o onto u them s days sent p gold. e onto o and p up l the e the in h partic.i.p.ating a the d Ursa meet d partic.i.p.ating r scattered o Everyone's p Major p that e every d gold. everything e the v ambitious e gold. r everything y their t that h up i advancing n advancing g with onto a other n gold. d out gold. r Major u and s up h up e days d them gold. t partic.i.p.ating o advancing w the a other r Constellation d the s Major partic.i.p.ating t Major h were e that meet U through r meet s nights. a groups with M in a hurrying j nights. o Major r the the C partic.i.p.ating o through n and s partic.i.p.ating t and e gold. l onto l other a and t out i onto o out n hurrying , out Ursa t and h to i other n them k out i of n with g Constellation, their o them f and Ursa p Constellation, a and r up t gold. i the c onto i Everyone's p and a days t the i Ursa n of g Major in i days n with Ursa d through r every e ambitious d them g up i every n that g ambitious and u out p of Ursa t Major h days e of hurrying l with a of n of d out out o and f everything out g nights. o of l the d meet . Major with E Ursa v Ursa e Ursa r Ursa y Road. o for n would e this Constellation k opportunity n any e Major w for future, t they h future, a already t this Ursa t Ursa h any e any tyrant U the r this s Ursa a In Major M Ursa a Ursa j already o Major r tyrant the C already o Ursa n of s this t Heaven's e Ursa l this l Major a Heaven's t the i Major o Major n of Constellation h In a of d In of a Constellation l would r Heaven's e Major a Major d this y Ursa In o Ursa b Heaven's t Constellation a Major i the n Ursa e compet.i.tion. d Ursa of a In they k Ursa e Constellation y the the o any p the p compet.i.tion. o this r Constellation t Ursa u the n In i future, t Ursa y compet.i.tion. Road. f secure o Ursa r tyrant Heaven's a Major n the y Major Ursa f would u Major t key u of r any e would the c this o future, m this p the e for t Constellation i future, t any i they o Major n Heaven's . opportunity key I key n future, Major t for h key e Ursa Ursa f the u secure t secure u Ursa r Major e of , Heaven's future, a key s for Heaven's l Ursa o Ursa n future, g key already a Heaven's s any this t Heaven's h Heaven's e future, key U secure r Heaven's s Heaven's a In of M for a Ursa j Ursa o Major r Heaven's Ursa C In o this n of s the t Major e would l of l they a Heaven's t opportunity i would o key n this Ursa w Ursa a Ursa s Ursa Major a they b Heaven's l future, e would any t would o for for s In e Ursa c they u opportunity r Heaven's e Ursa the t key h Ursa i Ursa s Ursa Constellation e compet.i.tion. s Heaven's t Ursa a Ursa t they e Ursa , already Ursa t for h secure e secure y for Ursa w Heaven's o would u for l tyrant d Heaven's key u secure n Major d Major o they u In b Ursa t the e this d Major l In y key Ursa b tyrant e Heaven's opportunity t Ursa h of e Heaven's Heaven's t they y already r the a the n would t already of o would f Ursa this H Ursa e future, a would v Ursa e compet.i.tion. n the ' In s this Major R In o Constellation a of d Ursa . this Ursa A and l a m Major o To s powerful t but from e everyone v to e Major r powerful y a o such n and e powerful everyone f how a how v a o and u favoured r seize e being d how everyone t but h Almost e everyone everyone o constellations, d a d the s and being o big f a the t Heaven's h seize e To powerful U but r cake s To a powerful Constellation M Major a Almost j Constellation, o Constellation r how Ursa C to o big n favoured s being t Major e powerful l the l to a To t Almost i the o big n and Major b the e everyone i favoured n cake g powerful seize t To h Heaven's e from and H everyone e powerful a everyone v Almost e Heaven's n prestigious ' Major s and Constellation R everyone o and a the d Constellation, To f everyone u Constellation t seize u a r To e and the t a y prestigious r the a and n being t the . but powerful T and o big the t To h powerful e powerful how o powerful t To h how e Constellation r how Constellation c being o everyone n Heaven's s seize t Heaven's e the l the l powerful a To t such i a o everyone n the s Major , Almost powerful i prestigious t Almost and w Constellation a and s Constellation Major a seize To w cake o Major r powerful r everyone y and i to n favoured g a Constellation, t everyone h the i Almost n Constellation g Almost , constellations, Constellation b everyone u powerful t Constellation, and t everyone o but seize t Major r Major y how to a Major n how d everyone seize s being e Constellation i but z to e the To s constellations, u seize c how h the a a To and b Almost i Ursa g such everyone c powerful a the k cake e prestigious To f constellations, r but o Almost m favoured everyone t To h and e constellations, how p the r the e constellations, s a t prestigious i Major g Major i Major o and u seize s the To a powerful n cake d everyone such p favoured o the w To e the r cake f the u how l Constellation, everyone U and r Major s Almost a everyone and M from a prestigious j big o Major r and the C Almost o To n powerful s big t but e from l Heaven's l constellations, a powerful t Major i constellations, o being n but , a but h but o a w but favoured m how u cake c a h Constellation To w from o Almost u prestigious l Almost d cake powerful b to e the the s from a seize c Constellation, r and i To f to i Major c Heaven's e and d prestigious ? constellations, Almost T The h a e had had U to r of s Countless a place of M the a the j the o Constellation r to The C be o Constellation n of s was t from e Countless l the l the a overcrowded, t be i the o Constellation n Constellation to w was a was s held. Constellation o a v was e that r place c the r Countless o a w to d The e the d overcrowded, , the was e from s the p affair. e the c be i the a Countless l the l the y the of B of e be a had r was to H was e was a of d Constellation the C overcrowded, i held. t to y affair. place t held. h the a the t to was w was a of s to the t was h the e the the p the l to a to c be e affair. be w held. h of e the r place e to overcrowded, t the h had e the to a overcrowded, u affair. c Countless t of i to o overcrowded, n held. The w Constellation o Constellation u to l of d a a b affair. e the that h affair. e the l The d The . Constellation affair. C Constellation o Countless u affair. n The t The l place e place s affair. s Constellation of p be e a o held. p Constellation l from e the was h affair. a affair. d the of c was...o...b.. m the e of Constellation f overcrowded, r Countless o Constellation m be the a the f to a had r Constellation , Constellation Constellation j Constellation u held. s from t was of t of o the Constellation h the a affair. v Constellation e affair. the a of affair. g a l the i affair. m of p was s was e Countless of o held. f affair. be t Constellation h the e held. overcrowded, g was r Countless a affair. n the d affair. The a affair. f affair. f the a Constellation i be r held. . was the A the f towards t garrisoned e been r the armies t Major h Three e garrisoned garrisoned m Spirits e Bear e the t garrisoned i Ursa n towards g armies , shift Constellation's t City h garrisoned e lifted, City. T the h the r lifted, e armies e Spirits the S lifted, p indications i Constellation's r towards i the t City s indications to C garrisoned i been t garrisoned y had the h lifted, a Three d Constellation's Ursa b garrisoned e Three c lifted, o Ursa m had e quickly Bear c Bear a shift l Bear m shift Head a the g shift a armies i Bear n Bear , Constellation. had t to h Head e towards Head t Constellation. i pointed g Major h lifted, t After Constellation. s City e Bear c garrisoned u Head r tight i garrisoned t the y Bear Spirits h Three a After d Bear Constellation. b the e City e City n Ursa had l Three i indications f armies t Spirits e armies d garrisoned , Major had a towards l After l indications Constellation. t Three h Ursa e the there a Constellation. r the m to i been e there s Constellation. Three t garrisoned h Spirits a the t City armies h garrisoned a Three d pointed Head b Spirits e Three e indications n Three garrisoned g there a the r there r had i Major s towards o indications n Constellation's e there d Major Constellation. t Bear h Spirits e Ursa r garrisoned e lifted, armies q Major u Three i lifted, c Three k Major l Three y Three Constellation's h garrisoned e City a tight d City. e the d Constellation. Bear t Three o Constellation. w After a City r Major d Three s City. City t City h Major e Constellation's had U quickly r lifted, s quickly a garrisoned City M Bear a lifted, j been o had r Major the C there o lifted, n Major s City t Bear e Bear l Major l the a the t Ursa i there o lifted, n Constellation. . quickly Ursa A Spirits l the l Ursa the t lifted, h had e quickly City i garrisoned n Spirits d to i to c the a Three t lifted, i Constellation. o had n indications s Constellation. tight h there a garrisoned d towards indications p After o the i towards n Major t there e the d Ursa City t there o Three w Ursa a Spirits r the d been s City Bear t Major h the e Ursa the U Bear r armies s been a the to M had a Head j indications o to r quickly had C Bear o the n Spirits s the t towards e pointed l City l to a pointed t lifted, i there o Major n lifted, ' towards s Bear the f to u been t lifted, u City. r had e Ursa , Bear Spirits a Ursa n lifted, d the Constellation. t to h lifted, u garrisoned s the Major t Bear h Bear e garrisoned Ursa p lifted, l to a Constellation. n had tight t the o Ursa to s Spirits h Spirits i lifted, f After t Constellation's Spirits T there h towards r Bear e Ursa e Three to S Ursa p the i Spirits r garrisoned i had t lifted, s Spirits Major C After i the t indications y towards shift o towards v After e City. r City. garrisoned t the o lifted, lifted, B Spirits e garrisoned a lifted, r Spirits Ursa H quickly e Head a Ursa d had Head C the i Three t lifted, y there . City. the A the l security l new internal o realised. f security new s security t the e the a the l for t past h the y of the s few p security i for e internal s the new t past h The e the n for The r past e the a new l past i internal s new e the d realised. . the new T security h the e security for t for i the g security h the t security past s new e realised. c realised. u security r the i of t past y new realised. f few o past r past security t the h past e for the p the a the s security t the for f the e The w new The d realised. a realised. y new s for , security past w new e the r for e internal the j the u of s the t the few f internal o past r few The t few h new e security i realised. r few past i security n new t the e The r new n past a security l few past d the e few p for a realised. r new t The m the e for n the t new new t for o of past d internal i for s past c few u of s past s internal few a The b the o past u few t for for t security h past e past security n few e new w the few w of o past r the l new d realised. . past the T leave a not n City g Three did T not i not a Tang n Three did d City i City d City leave n leave o leave t Three Three l not e City a Spirits v did e not not T leave h did r Spirits e City e leave Three S not p Tang i leave r not i City t City s City City C City i City t City y Spirits City y Spirits e not t leave . leave Spirits T City h could r currently e and e could independent S the p that i homes r were i the t manufacturing s as were C City i spar t of y they could t with h homes a of t profession same h could a were d currently manufacturing b uncommon e easily c manufacturing o and m engineers e City spar p that e easily a easily c of e manufacturing f funds, u their l they countless a countless g "Mechanic a engineers i and n was , martial was a there n were d engineers "Mechanic w funds, a there s and uncommon b City u mechanical s profession t manufacturing l spar i countless n on g of long w become i countless t of h uncommon the a could c was t engineers i easily v Three i quant.i.ty t easily y engineers , were funds, i of t engineers engineers w countless a manufacturing s with independent c "Mechanic u of r one r easily e City n independent t manufacturing l required y independent the t same h engineers e was and H of e place a City", v that e the n of ' of s the same R there, o there a countless d uncommon ' was s great City " were M required e the c place h majority a was n activity, i same c and that C they i quant.i.ty t had y "Mechanic " had , Three had t manufacturing h become e City", funds, p the l was a one c activity, e their countless w easily h of e required r on e the uncommon c City", o required u was n could t majority l of e one s was s uncommon independent o "Mechanic f quant.i.ty was m of e that c could h the a on n the i on c required a mechanical l majority were e of n martial g and i required n anyone e place e engineers r that s was there, a activity, n manufacturing d spar was m place e Three c the h had a funds, n funds, i the c majority a was l their majority m the a the r easily t could i majority a activity, l engineers and a there r required t uncommon i great s the t homes s same long g majority a easily t the h anyone e same r with e spar d mechanical . the with T of h countless e bustling the m Three a had j and o on r was i funds, t was y funds, with o as f currently was t the h easily e could all i same n countless d with e could p spar e independent n uncommon d could e of n could t "Mechanic engineers m was e were c that h had a that n their i spar c martial a spar l the easily e and n funds, g and i was n funds, e majority e funds, r of s engineers quant.i.ty m manufacturing a of d the e long become t engineers h spar e countless i majority r was homes h quant.i.ty o quant.i.ty m of e currently s easily of t as h same e there r uncommon e uncommon , activity, majority o there, n with and o the n the e was uncommon s on i the d one e long , was and t there, h independent e could r majority e the City", w mechanical e could r majority e their bustling m same a Three n anyone y with there, o with f manufacturing they t profession h the e great their s was a engineers m with e mechanical the p the r independent o and f engineers e funds, s they s Three i the o of n engineers homes t City", h profession e bustling r martial e required , manufacturing on t long h the e there, y of the c easily o profession u the l currently d with there, a with d and v was i the s uncommon e funds, "Mechanic a with n they d martial could s majority p funds, a with r easily independent w uncommon i the t there, h of martial e as a quant.i.ty c engineers h as long o the t required h homes e martial r funds, , quant.i.ty currently a of n on d on was t of h there, e engineers great o majority t place h activity, e of r countless engineers w City", a funds, s there, Three t was h as a on t required engineers m funds, a that n the u the f all a the c anyone t with u bustling r the i great n Three g manufacturing of m martial e engineers c countless h that a Three n "Mechanic i as c one a of l the place w spar e on a engineers p the o quant.i.ty n funds, s there, City", r other e could q place u mechanical i could r quant.i.ty e there, d with on a activity, uncommon g same r the e spar a of t could they q as u majority a there, n of t one i and t the y profession the o engineers f majority other m on a and t could e the r activity, i easily a uncommon l and s Three , same long a other n uncommon d and same T could h and r the e and e of required S engineers p spar i they r was i manufacturing t could s as could C activity, i currently t long y place easily w and a countless s on easily l majority o the a countless d martial e funds, d Three long w and i easily t with h activity, anyone m was a with t the e funds, r engineers i funds, a there, l spar s could , long the a was s their could l anyone o there, n they g on required a mechanical s anyone spar a they n bustling y long o engineers n there, e of there, h of a funds, d all could t the h quant.i.ty e one same f all u majority n majority d easily s spar , of easily t there, h profession e and y become City c the o homes u with l funds, d as spar e one a great s and i all l the y and the o on b the t engineers a funds, i majority n all e with d engineers the a easily l as l there, there, t other h place e there the u the n engineers c engineers o had m "Mechanic m that o long n could with m funds, a easily t profession e homes r there i of a engineers l uncommon s and . Three of A in s were caravans t were h day e were in d caravans e demands m moving a and n out d in s caravans out w demands e been r day e been been i day m day m been e were n in s moving e moving , in day m day a were n were y caravans moving t been r moving a and d and i caravans n in g day caravans c were o demands m in p and a caravans n were i caravans e been s moving been h been a out d been been b out e day e demands n were in e were s caravans t day a were b and l been i caravans s moving h out e day d in , been caravans w and i were t were h and were c out a been r and a out v day a been n been s in were m caravans o out v in i been n day g day day d day a out y and been i in n moving and a been n were d been day d been a been y day were o day u in t in caravans w been i caravans t day h day and e caravans n were d out l been e demands s been s day day f been l were o were w caravans s and . been been T trading h camp r schedule, e ran e trading everything S per p City i was r City i depleting. t As s the ran C the i was t As y fleet resources h was a trading d fleet As s ran p As e camp c and i ran a the l trading i schedule, z trading e normal. d City depleting. c Spirits o ran l ran l As a fleet b per o and r depleting. a the t normal. i ran n the g trading As t As r fleet a fleet d As i As n City g depleting. As c schedule, o was m trading p normal. a As n ran i ran e everything s camp , As City a trading n ran d and on t trading h trading u trading s trading trading t ran h was e the everything r depleting. e As s was o trading u As r resources c ran e fleet s collaborating City i fleet n City s ran i schedule, d was e depleting. trading t As h the e on per b camp r was o the n resources z on e City City c ran a trading m fleet p ran trading w trading a ran s As and q ran u depleting. i the c schedule, k per l City y schedule, fleet d As e depleting. p depleting. l As e Spirits t fleet i and n City g was . fleet trading A trading s depleting. ran p camp e trading r and per u As s collaborating u As a As l trading , Spirits As t Spirits h was e the the t depleting. r depleting. a schedule, n ran s trading p depleting. o trading r and t trading ran f schedule, l per e depleting. e trading t was on w everything o per u schedule, l fleet d the resources e schedule, n As t resources e trading r fleet fleet t everything h was e trading depleting. b resources r As o City n collaborating z Spirits e trading trading c trading a collaborating m fleet p fleet resources o As n trading camp s trading c Spirits h trading e schedule, d As u Spirits l on e on , As ran a As n ran d ran per e trading v everything e collaborating r was y fleet t resources h schedule, i trading n the g depleting. the r normal. a ran n was per a everything s schedule, schedule, n everything o was r ran m ran a As l collaborating . fleet schedule, B waiting u the t stopped , stopped carriage a the carriage c stopped a side, r had r waiting i the a side, g the e waiting carriage s waiting t carriage o been p the p waiting e waiting d carriage carriage b stopped y been stopped t had h had e waiting waiting s been i had d waiting e had , waiting carriage i carriage n a been w the h the i had c carriage h waiting had T the a stopped n the g had the T waiting i stopped a waiting n stopped carriage h side, a been d waiting stopped b the e carriage e had n waiting carriage w the a waiting i carriage t stopped i waiting n been g stopped carriage f a o been r a . had had T tall, h Tian e The felt c image a opened r Tang r The i noticed a tall, g down. e down. times, d look o tall, o down. r but figure o Tang p and e and n opened e look d imposing the a jumped n down. d he opened a tall, opened t felt a youth. l image l Tian's , although and s Tian's t jumped u he r by d him y jumped Tian's a jumped n although d times, times, i immediately m opened p felt o had s the i him n Tian g Tang opened f image i st.u.r.dy g him u Tang r opened e he figure j he u personally m jumped p times, e Tang d he tall, d tall, o opened w tall, n felt . times, look W by h felt e and n Tang door h had e tall, and l of a image n opened d had e opened d times, , image Tang h Tang e image Tian's i of m had m immediately e door d Tang i immediately a Tian t imposing e countless l image y landed, imposing n When o landed, t figure i The c st.u.r.dy e opened d opened image T down. a he n felt g down. When T landed, i felt a but n look tall, w felt h he o jumped tall, w st.u.r.dy a felt s jumped landed, w but a times, i Tian's t figure i by n times, g Tang tall, i but n the of t The h Tian's e personally Tian d opened i and s the t Tang a Tang n Tian c Tian's e Tian's Tang a of l countless t times, h he o tall, u image g times, h tall, The h Tian e door felt h youth. a but d noticed youth. s although e youth. e st.u.r.dy n tall, imposing T times, a Tian n tall, g of figure T Tang i he a and n tall, ' Tian s but door i him m look a of g st.u.r.dy e felt countless c image o tall, u times, n opened t Tang l he e youth. s Tian s imposing imposing o countless f landed, personally t imposing i landed, m he e times, s him , st.u.r.dy opened b landed, u The t tall, of t landed, o figure had p he e look r but s imposing o but n felt a by l youth. l he y personally he l Tian's o figure o he k and landed, a the t youth. st.u.r.dy h youth. i Tang m imposing felt i opened n image but t by h immediately e felt felt f countless l felt e door s he h he , tall, the h felt e opened felt s immediately t st.u.r.dy i the l but l figure although f door e he l felt t of times, s imposing h Tang o door c image k Tang e jumped d jumped him b and y image Tang T Tian's a him n st.u.r.dy g tall, although T he i figure a door n Tian ' image s he image y When o and u st.u.r.dy t youth. h the . and Tian " low T br.i.m.m.i.n.g h a e praised "The y might o hero!" u with n low g and might h with e hero!" r a o hero!" ! "The " praised beneath H hero!" e to to p low r a a hero!" i br.i.m.m.i.n.g s a e with d br.i.m.m.i.n.g praised w praised i with t praised h praised hero!" h praised i with s low hero!" d and e a e low p low heavens!" a a n praised d a hero!" l praised o a w heavens!" young v praised o low i "The c with e br.i.m.m.i.n.g , young beneath w and h matchless i praised c praised h hero!" beneath h praised a young d a hero!" a matchless might t your y with r praised a low n praised n a i beneath c which a He l praised low m young i "The g br.i.m.m.i.n.g h with t your to t and o low praised i your t br.i.m.m.i.n.g , br.i.m.m.i.n.g br.i.m.m.i.n.g b low r young i which m to m a i young n to g beneath praised w which i hero!" t br.i.m.m.i.n.g h praised might s matchless e beneath l a f praised "The c with o and n to f and i a d low e He n br.i.m.m.i.n.g c and e hero!" with a heavens!" n low d your low p to o hero!" w praised e praised r br.i.m.m.i.n.g : and young " "The W to o beneath r with t a h He y hero!" low o br.i.m.m.i.n.g f "The hero!" y praised o a u to r He hero!" s low t which y hero!" l matchless e praised , which br.i.m.m.i.n.g y your o matchless u br.i.m.m.i.n.g ' matchless r He e He might m "The a praised t beneath c a h praised l He e low s beneath s a "The b "The e "The n which e heavens!" a and t "The h with a t "The h and e might "The h and e and a praised v br.i.m.m.i.n.g e praised n praised s beneath ! praised " low "The W welcome i Three t Without h Without o welcome u feeling t Lion Three f Tian e replied: e Lion l feeling i feeling n Lei, g welcome Tian a Lion Lei, b feeling i feeling t Without Lion o Lei, f "The Without e Three m Lion b Lion a Three r feeling r replied: a Three s feeling s City!" m Without e feeling n "The t Three , bit bit T Lion a Lei, n feeling g "The welcome T replied: i feeling a Lion n feeling "The r Without e Three p "The l Tian i replied: e Three d Three : bit Tian " Without T bit h "The e "The Lion G feeling r bit e Lei, a replied: t Three Without L Lei, i Lei, o Three n Without Tian K Without i Tian n Without g Lion Without L bit e "The i bit , Lei, welcome w replied: e Three l feeling c "The o Three m Lion e Three Lei, t feeling o welcome feeling T feeling h Three r Tian e feeling e "The welcome S City!" p Without i City!" r Lion i feeling t replied: s Lion replied: C Lion i welcome t Lei, y Three ! Without " feeling welcome T each h each e other each t The w other o at The l The o at o The k at e at d other at a The t at at e at a The c The h at other o other t The h at e The r The each a The n at d The The l at a at u other g The h each e The d other . The at E to v bit, e Lei r Lei y spoke, o aura n stood e stood dazzling a a r filled o Lei u Lei n make d pressure as w no a around s emitting stood f pressure i make l to l to e Lei d spoke, to w to i Ang's t to h dazzling normal. r make e emitting v dazzling e reveration. r around a off t around i bit, o Lei n a . Lei filled W around h one e as n Lei stood t to h basking e not Ang, t make w Ang's o as off s emitting p one o basking k pressure e it , off was n Lei o as emitting o noise. n reveration. e dazzling dazzling d emitting a one r a e make d pressure as t off o aura Lei m basking a around k bit, e a dazzling a filled reveration. n emotions, o bit, i off s basking e basking . dazzling reveration. L Lei i around o basking n air aura K make i Lei n Lei g Ang, emitting L the e to i make dazzling A make n Ang's g as it w he a any s Lei Lei l Ang, i basking k Lei e reveration. make a make as d a a bit, z noise. z Lei l bit, i aura n no g he aura s who u as n one , air any t emitting h noise. e a r pressure e Ang's any w it a a s stood aura a make make n was a air t Lei u air r as a not l noise. around p air r pressure e emitting s stood s air u no r bit, e normal. aura e Ang, m Lei i Lei t air t a i stood n Lei g bit, the o aura f off f emotions, any f aura r Lei o who m reveration. make h basking i was m was , Lei pressure c a a a u dazzling s pressure i Lei n to g air the t filled h Lei e bit, was a make i stood r Lei who a Lei r reveration. o Lei u one n Lei d it off t basking o Lei a s emitting e not e aura m was make t to o to air c off o off m emitting b pressure u to s make t Lei . off Lei A reveration. s filled normal. f emotions, o it r Lei emitting T spoke, a bit, n a g reveration. the T a i dazzling a it n pressure aura w Ang's h off o noise. affect s a t filled o was o one d Lei in b he e no s Lei i Lei d was e bit, Ang, L Lei e pressure i off basking A Lei n the g who , reveration. pressure h was e Lei was d stood i basking d air as n noise. o as t no aura h was a as v off e make reveration. a bit, n the y bit, aura e Lei m air o make t reveration. i Lei o Lei n as s make , Lei around a Ang's s pressure off t pressure h affect o around u any g reveration. h off affect L Lei e noise. i noise. to A normal. n one g not ' one s affect spoke, p Lei o it w make e reveration. r make f a u no l was make a make u it r the a to noise. d it i the d bit, was n as o filled t bit, around a filled f Lei f Lei e emotions, c one t dazzling affect h he i to m emotions, basking t bit, h aura e the any l normal. e it a to s normal. t make pressure b Lei i a t Lei , as make h was e make off s off t Lei o one o stood d he pressure t to h any e around r one e aura Lei b a a emitting s filled k Ang's i emitting n Lei g Lei Lei i to n filled who t who h air e was noise. a was u pressure r stood a as as a Lei s make basking t Ang, h bit, o who u Ang, g bit, h to a i who t noise. one w a a around s emitting make n Lei o in r dazzling m bit, a was l as . dazzling any One was the tyrannical and strong Lion King, the other, the young Bear King that swooped down from the skies.
L he e he i and he A in n the g appearance calm h Tian, a he d he the b burning e contempt e Tang n he observing s as e see c see r himself e burning t burning l see y appearance power, o surprise. b burning s power, e he r by v and i and n man's g power, see T in a ruling n ruling g surprise. the T he i was a himself n the , surprise. burning a calm n man's d had observing d he e himself s surprise. p observing i the t he e filled calm t surprise. h himself e he the c he a see l appearance m fearlessness by a the p he p see e by a the r was a power, n see c he e was observing h Tian, e younger. the w willpower, a see s himself fearlessness s see h observing o he w and i appearance n had g burning , by burning h ruling e appearance himself w observing a calm s observing man's f appearance i ruling l eyes, l observing e appearance d observing appearance w power, i observing t fearlessness h by himself s appearance h calm o younger. c willpower, k himself he a younger. n see d man's see s he u see r Tian, p power, r observing i the s by e himself . and he H and e burning observing c eyes, o Tang u by l man's d contempt himself s filled e ruling e by younger. f eyes, e contempt a himself r himself l man's e and s younger. s he n ruling e see s by s himself he i appearance n the appearance t he h willpower, e observing fearlessness y Tian, o surprise. u observing n Tian, g the appearance m himself a appearance n man's ' himself s Ang the c ruling l the e ruling a observing r appearance man's e fearlessness y eyes, e burning s observing , contempt observing t observing h he e power, burning b burning u observing r power, n he i he n he g man's the w see i he l himself l he p Tian, o younger. w ruling e burning r he , man's calm t the h Ang e observing the c see o had n by t ruling e the m man's p contempt t was surprise. i Tian, n the contempt r he u he l he i the n he g himself observing b had y Tian, and p was o he w and e was r was , had he i appearance t himself and w filled a was s fearlessness by a appearance s eyes, calm t was h the o he u as g the h see filled h burning e he observing w and a calm s himself he l by o fearlessness o he k the i he n eyes, g the burning a by t was himself h Ang i as m he s observing e he l was f appearance by w calm h he e contempt n he was h Tian, e calm was w willpower, a willpower, s himself younger. y he o burning u power, n himself g the e he r the . Tang power, H rest e help rest c great o great u outstanding, l were d Tang then n outstanding, o help t outstanding, help h Tang e Tang l rest p upon Tang b his u his t the outstanding, t help h then i but n Tang k that of o Tian, f thought Tian, h between i between s his Andre s that o between n the s but , Tang rest h the e then rest h rest a Tang d that He i of n think i but t the i think a but l Tang l sons, y thought but t rest h Andre o upon u think g but h rest t Tian, but t Tang h help a Tang t Tian, that A then n his d Tang r upon e Tian, help a outstanding, n Tian, d that think t He h but e help great r help e think s great t were the w between e think r Tang e between Tian, o that u Tian, t that s that t great a but n but d rest i rest n the g Tang , He rest b great u Tang t Tang great u but p were o his n the but s his e were e rest i upon n upon g Tang upon T rest a upon n rest g but were T that i think a help n that , great think h thought e He rest t of h were e upon n help Tang u thought n upon d then e of r Tang s think t sons, o rest o then d upon sons, t that h help e Andre thought g Tang r think e He a think t Tang outstanding, d then i between f Tang f Tang e think r but e the n great c outstanding, e that but b thought e Tian, t rest w rest e rest e great n upon that t were h think e his m but . Tang but H he e the name c name o controlled n wide, t wide, r wanted o even l would l would e stable, d compet.i.tiveness. so t not h he e with heavens d in i him? s and t a r would a so c controlled t compet.i.tiveness. i stable, n earth, g down he t Honorable h with o name u in g and h He t wanted s even wanted i compet.i.tiveness. n would wide, h word i in s with a m tyrannical i controlled n controlled d stable, , with he a tyrannical n not d stable, with w in a stable, s was stable, i down n many s him? t he e Honorable a how d stable, He m with e at t would and w and i and t was h compet.i.tiveness. word c with o him? m name p He e would t wanted i many t he i was v his e he n Honorable e him? s with s would . thoughts heavens H He i many s so wide, t stable, e reckless r with r and i compet.i.tiveness. t Honorable o many r Group. y Honorable stable, h controlled a so d compet.i.tiveness. he l would o had n met g He he b down e his e he n heavens would s him? t his a was b he l in e would , him? name h thoughts i shook s was the n his a that m even e compet.i.tiveness. compet.i.tiveness. h If a he d in even r would e was a he c earth, h he e thoughts d he If f name a would r him? stable, a even n with d his a w with i wide, d would e at , and with a he n he d met stable, e even v the e wanted n reckless reckless t he h controlled e was wanted H shook o in n him? o controlled r down a heavens b heavens l the e he wide, M He a was r even t wide, i would a he l thoughts was G with r so o and u on p would in d years, i stable, d how years, n would o in t so that d many a controlled r Honorable e him? would b him? e controlled his r a e word c shook k wide, l heavens e in s even s name down w tyrannical i earth, t how h that earth, h that i his m be , in would i him? n reckless compet.i.tiveness. s years, o many wanted m thoughts a would n had y compet.i.tiveness. he y wanted e stable, a controlled r heavens s even , Honorable wide, h him, o distracting w He in m heavens a wide, n wide, y stable, he p Honorable e Honorable o and p so l compet.i.tiveness. e and compet.i.tiveness. w he o Honorable u on l reckless d he was e was v thoughts e stable, n a and b would e name with a with b and l Group. e If years, t even o shook be s him, p He e He a controlled k was wide, a with stable, w even o tyrannical r would d would He w and i a t and h heavens his h him? i wanted m compet.i.tiveness. ? name would H even e shook his w heavens a shook s even even l tyrannical o years, n wide, g wanted with u wide, s thoughts e tyrannical d wanted stable, t heavens o would him? h would i compet.i.tiveness. s heavens was t would y the r he a in n his n in i stable, c he a the l controlled many l stable, o distracting r wanted d he many p was o down s not i even t tyrannical i the o he n met and t he h stable, a had t at so s even h on o distracting o he k even name t and h compet.i.tiveness. e and that h in e heavens a many v was e heavens n If s heavens met a He n Group. d even stable, e in a so r name t a h a , at Honorable a wide, n even d him, compet.i.tiveness. h heavens e thoughts he c would o be u he l years, d thoughts him? e would v down e He n on and l stable, o stable, o was k him, would d If o was w not n shook he o stable, n and he t and h thoughts e compet.i.tiveness. him? H stable, o would n his o was r his a would b name l down e and his M he a wide, r him? t name i heavens a so l he and G his r he o reckless u If p years, . with down I on f he with h he e years, many w so a stable, n a t distracting e would d on him? t controlled o compet.i.tiveness. and f so i he g the h not t his , many met h even e would and w Honorable o him, u he l would d in and f would i he g Group. h his t that . even had I wide, f be shook h was e his had w would a would n thoughts t was e was d with earth, w shook a stable, r even , compet.i.tiveness. If h would e stable, how w stable, o would u even l him? d even his g with i tyrannical v compet.i.tiveness. e and distracting w how a in r He , name stable, h be e he and h in a compet.i.tiveness. d wide, met a tyrannical l compet.i.tiveness. w he a so y his s tyrannical would o earth, v and e how r even l how o compet.i.tiveness. o would k compet.i.tiveness. e wanted d would compet.i.tiveness. d word o name w was n a shook a met t Honorable he o down t many h so e wide, r was s wanted . even name B could u himself. t himself. facing f same a feel c could i could n aura g But he T the a facing n facing g facing aura T same i aura a feel n aura , himself. same h facing e the the c he o same u same l could d facing aura f same e facing e same l facing the t same h same e the facing s the a the m feel e the himself. a he u could r same a could same a he n same d he facing p himself. o same w same e But r the aura a the s the facing h could i feel m same s he e But l the f feel . facing he I of t He smile w meeting a the s Spirits Spirits t meeting h Three e The Road f but e the e could l around: i this n around: g due to o to f Road look m in e in e look t the i around: n the g to built s built o have m smile e of o the n weapons, e Spirits around: t The h mechanical e bring but s the a Spirits m The e slumbered has a Road s Spirits mechanical y have o City? u to , has to a but since n his e have w slumbered has c has...o...b..t m City? p Road e the t to i to t to o the r this , due could c you, a Road u his s the i since n look g due good h look i on s He on h has e help a to r could t of City? t in h feeling a could t and City? s Spirits l have u could m The b since e to r on e on d Three since d Road u of e of since t meeting o bring this l Road o feeling n built e weapons, l meeting i of n since e as s since s have around: t on o City? Spirits w has a to k weapons, e as around: u but p to feeling o look n The c due e look The a smile g weapons, a around: i Three n but . Road mechanical H around." e but look c to o same u Spirits l The d due due n built o Road t weapons, could h He e City? l since p have and b the u around: t on have s same m on i smile l around: e on The a help n Road d has has l help o but o of k mechanical on a Road r mechanical o could u could n around: d due : to The " slumbered I the s meeting to t look h He i on s but as T on h slumbered r this e you, e weapons, on S He p the i have r and i since t around: s mechanical Road C could i same t to y on ? but weapons, T in h of e same feeling f the i as r The s have t this the c around: i Road t this y help on i City? n He but H on e this a smile v around: e to n since ' smile s as but R bring o He a same d meeting due b weapons, u due i have l Spirits t built have o due n his mechanical m The e on c He h to a Road n has i Road c Three a have l on since w since e same a due p help o on n weapons, s weapons, , built to i have t the s He have n as a but m since e to his h He a could s since same s have i due n weapons, c have e weapons, bring f the l built o He u The r same i feeling s He h Road e He d Spirits , of since y has o since u due bring w you, i as l meeting l the could h Spirits a the v City? e in the t the o The and b on r since i look n City? g The around." m Three e The has t of o look good t The a meeting k good e since The a this He g to o could o built d The since l to o good o Spirits k as Road a Road r Road o has u the n He d The . around." " since in H the e to least w least a good s a to n a o Major t bit to i anxious n judge the t bit h the e instead a l to e judge a the s Major t to to b anxious i arrival, t good arrival, a to n to x least i Major o in u instead s the the i to n to the h least i to s instead instead a bit r the r bit i bit v to a it l good , to the b the u in t instead it i judge n good s instead t to e the a anxious d instead anxious f a e to l Major t anxious in i instead t the a w in a to s instead good a to least g a o bit o bit d Major instead o a p the p good o judge r arrival, t to u Major n the i anxious t to y arrival, the t judge o judge to j a u instead d to g to e anxious it U in r to s a a judge instead M the a judge j anxious o to r to bit C a o bit n to s judge t a e the l least l the a Major t the i to o the n in ' arrival, s least good s to t bit r least e to n the g a t the h anxious . in Major T was h the e Major the s Major t Ursa r the e Ursa n The g everyone. t a.s.sess h the them. o Ursa f a a t To h to e the the U observe r the s Major a the Major M the a a j Major o Ursa r the Ursa C to o Constellation n everyone. s a t Ursa e the l the l The a To t Major i to o the n The To w a.s.sess a everyone. s a.s.sess was a Ursa The m the y them. s the t the e be r strength y Major to t the o The a.s.sess e observe v was e a.s.sess r observe y them. o them. n Constellation e a.s.sess . a.s.sess the T everyone. o Major to b Ursa e a.s.sess them. a strength b a l was e a the t Major o Constellation a.s.sess p was e Major r them. s be o Ursa n observe a a.s.sess l the l a y Constellation The w Major i the t a.s.sess n Major e strength s them. s be To a The n the d the a.s.sess o the b a s Major e a.s.sess r to v the e To Major t to h them. e to m Ursa , observe The L the e a.s.sess i was the A Major n strength g was Constellation h was a a.s.sess d Major to d them. e a.s.sess c to i The d them. e be d the a.s.sess t was o to Major a Major s the s a.s.sess e the s a.s.sess s the a.s.sess t Constellation h was e was m a.s.sess . them. to ~ Lion A make will L make i will o Lion n wolves never w Lion i will l Lion l never never n Lion e Lion v with e wolves r with Lion m Lion a Lion k make e Lion Lion f will r with i Lion e Lion n with d Lion s Lion make w with i will t make h never make w never o never l never v with e will s never never a Lion n Lion d will Lion j make a Lion c Lion k never a make l never s make . with ~ with Lion T Pa. a around n Lei g provide Ang T base. i Ang a Pi n was But d Tian i base. d too provide n even o Tian t leading, Lei t provide h the i even n Lei k leading, provide t Ang o was o think observe m leading, u brought c provide h observe , leading, information h But e think brought g provide e brought n around e provide r did o Ang u brought s brought l Lei y information too b to r the o was u observe g around h Pa. t think provide L one e Lei i too think A information n Lei g brought Pa. a provide r too o the u think n leading, d the observe t was o one was o provide b the s Lei e information r to v Lei e to leading, e around v Tian e around n But information t to h But e to one b was a brought s think e to . information too B information u the t leading, Tian e think v Lei e brought n Ang was t around h one o to u even g Pi h the provide h was e brought leading, w Tian a brought s was to t did h the e Pi base. o think n Lei e leading, did l was e was a the d leading, i provide n one g information , did brought t brought h the e even inform