“这哪里是什么煞魂,这些分明就是厉鬼!”白小纯心惊肉跳,急速逃遁,心肝都在颤抖,方才与小女孩目光对望的一瞬,他清晰的感受到了一股生死危机,那种感觉,极为强烈,仿佛全身的每一寸血肉都在尖叫。 He had a feeling that if he was too slow in his escape, it would be his death! 死亡的感觉,让白小纯身体颤抖时,呼吸急促,眼中出现了血丝,此刻速度更快,顺着陨剑世界,向着深处飞奔。 One day later, he looked back multiple times to make sure that there weren’t any evil spirits chasing him, especially that little girl. Only then did he let out a sigh of relief.
“那白衣小女孩不对劲!她原本与其他煞魂一样,可吃下了那枚怪丹后,整个气息都变了!”白小纯回想一天前的那一幕,心有余悸。 “What went wrong in refining the pill this time…?” Bai Xiaochun made a crying face as he wanted to give up slightly, but after remembering that the pellets could actually attract evil beasts, he decided not to. Clenching his teeth, he moved forward once more, searching for evil beasts as he researched the possible errors in his own recipe. Three days pa.s.sed, and finally, after making adjustments to his recipe, He gathered his determination before reopening the furnace to start refining again. 这一次没有雷霆,没有异变,药香散开时,白小纯炼出了四枚紫色的丹药,拿着丹药,他小心翼翼的外出尝试,做好了一旦再次将煞魂引来,就立刻逃走的准备。 It wasn’t long before the nothingness around him rippled, evil beast after evil beast shot towards Bai Xiaochun’s direction, attracted by the pellets. Bai Xiaochun didn’t dare to attack immediately, instead quickly flying back to observe his surroundings. 直至被丹药吸引来的煞兽超过了二十多头,依旧没有煞魂出现,白小纯这才松了口大气,振奋激动起来。 “Success!” Bai Xiaochun laughed out loudly as he took out a talisman to stick onto his body, instantly enveloping him in a protective multi-coloured light. He charged into the group of evil beasts, his speed fast, and his skin tough as the wooden blade in his hand turned into a rainbow, fluttering like silk as the battle with more than twenty evil beasts ensued. 随着一头头煞兽死亡,白小纯目中露出狂喜之意,一道道地脉之气急速而来,融入道瓶内,使得道瓶中的灰色地脉液体,不断地增加。 A while later, after killing off all the evil beasts in the area, Bai Xiaochun looked happily with satisfaction at the dao bottle in his hand. In only a short while, he had managed to collect a few days’ worth. 他深吸口气,收起丹药改变方向,选择了另一个区域,再次取出丹药,期望的等待起来,很快的,一头头煞兽出现,白小纯哈哈一笑,立刻出手。 Time pa.s.sed, and with the help of the pellets, the grey liquid in Bai Xiaochun’s dao bottle increased with each pa.s.sing day. This speed of collecting was shocking, and after another few more days, marked the first complete month of Bai Xiaochun’s time in the Ancient Blade Abyss world since he had first stepped in, and his dao bottle was filled to almost eighty percent with Earth Pulse Qi. “就差最后两成了!”白小纯更为激动,他不知道其他人都搜集到了什么程度,可他觉得能比自己多的,应该没有多少人。 But his personality dictated that he preferred a more stable progress. Making his decision, he decided to charge up the bottle to a hundred percent with one breath! “我需要更多的煞兽!”白小纯舔了舔嘴唇,咬牙之下冲向陨剑世界的更深处,找到了一个四通八达的区域后,白小纯一口气取出了两枚丹药,这一次为了吸引更多煞兽,他索性将丹药捏碎,挥发在了四周。 Soon, the s.p.a.ce started twisting in the distance, and evil beasts started coming out in waves. Bai Xiaochun attacked without delay, and as the rumbling of the battle echoed, silks of Earth Pulse Qi a.s.similated into the dao bottle with the death of each evil beast. 因白小纯捏碎了丹药,更因这个位置,虽不是这片世界的最深处,可也无限的接近,所以此地的煞兽数量极多,若是寻找,或许因煞兽沉睡,只有靠近才会出现,但眼下,却是一个个自行苏醒,不断地来临。 Slowly, the evil beasts here weren’t just a few tens in number, but almost a hundred, with most of them being at the middle level and the occasional high level Great Evil Beast. Only one of these Great Evil Beasts needed the allied efforts of a few Heaven’s Chosen to take it down. 甚至到了最后,白小纯击杀的速度不如此地煞兽增长,渐渐这四周的煞兽,足有二百多头,还在不断增加,这是一个让任何修士看到后,都会疯狂的数量。 There were already some disciples of the other four sects noticing this, and they quickly made their way over to kill some of the beasts on the sides. When one youth in particular was pa.s.sing by, he paused after seeing the evil beasts gathering there. With a careful look at everyone present, he stepped into the crowd of evil beasts and started attacking as well. 这少年出手极为狠辣,他的出现,立刻让丹溪宗的弟子纷纷振奋,白小纯遥遥看去,立刻认出此人就是丹溪宗的第一天骄方林! The fact that the evil beasts that Bai Xiaochun himself had attracted were being killed by other people displeased Bai Xiaochun a little, but after realizing that it would be hard for them to kill the beasts faster than himself, he snorted, and didn’t think much of it afterward. 慢慢的,在这片区域的修士,数量超过了四十多人后,这才与煞兽的增长达到了一个平衡,每个人都狂喜,不断地联手灭杀煞兽。 Some of the people there were, in fact, Spirit River Sect disciples, and upon noticing Bai Xiaochun, they slowly made their way to him, and under his wing, reaped an even larger harvest. 白小纯振奋,他看着道瓶内的地脉液体,此刻已到了九成,再有一些煞兽,就可以化作地脉气引,可就在这时,突然的,远处的天地间,有十多道长虹呼啸而来。 The figures in the rainbow all wore the same clothing, all of them were Mystic River Sect disciples. Their leader was a huge man, with lightning surrounding his body, he was intimidating. 他的出现,立刻让这片区域的四宗弟子,一个个面色变化,唯独丹溪宗方林,看都不看一眼,依旧杀戮四周煞兽。 “Lei Shan!” “玄溪宗第二天骄雷山,该死的,他若一个人出现也就罢了,怎么还带着这么多人!” But just as the expressions on the people gathered here changed, so did Lei Shan’s, bursting into a delightful face as he saw the amount of evil beasts here. He heard about a weird pool of beasts forming here from a disciple of his own sect who was on his way, quickly rus.h.i.+ng here. “我只差四成就可以凑出一份地脉气引,杀了这里所有的煞兽,就可以成功了!”雷山仰天大笑时,他身边的玄溪宗弟子立刻知晓其意,有一个长脸青年,嘿嘿一笑的迈步走出,向着这片区域,阴冷的开口。 在一起,人数足有三十多个。 These thirty people, under Lei Shan’s leaders.h.i.+p, took control of the area by force, killing anyone who tried to resist instantly. It wasn’t long before the place erupted into chaos. “十息之内,留下你们的道瓶,都滚出这里!” “Those who refuse to leave, why don’t you leave your lives here as well!” As the Mystic River Sect’s crowd’s eyes shone, the people from the Blood River Sect looked at each other, immediately stepping back and leaving. 血溪宗的弟子,大都单独,如同孤狼,即便是雷山也不愿逼的太紧,任由血溪宗这**人离去。 The Pellet River Sect disciples felt helpless, their only option for them was to leave. Lei Shan hesitated, seeing Fanglin in the middle of a group of evil beasts. He didn’t want to go against someone like Fanglin, suspecting that the terrifying war zones he saw half a month earlier was caused by Fanglin while he was battle with other people. 而他对于那片战场很是心惊,此刻迟疑中,任由那些丹溪宗弟子离去,至于方林那边,雷山打定主意,彼此互不相犯。 Seeing the departure of Blood River Sect and Pellet River Sect, the disciples of the Spirit River Sect all looked towards Bai Xiaochun. 白小纯气愤,可对方人数太多,自己这里只有不到十人,一旦争执,或许他这里不会有事,可其他人必定死亡惨重。 “Let’s leave, it’s just a beast tide, after all. Uncle Bai will make another one for you guys later!” Clenching his teeth, Bai Xiaochun was just about to leave when Lei Shan, who was watching them from afar, started laughing suddenly. 血溪宗人人都凶残,他不愿太过为难,丹溪宗有方林在,他不想招惹,而灵溪宗这里,雷山目光一扫,只看到了一个白小纯,其他人都是寻常之辈,一想到宗门玉简内对白小纯的介绍,雷山目中露出轻蔑。 “Spirit River Sect disciples, you can go, but the dao bottles stays! Otherwise don’t think that any of you are leaving!” The killing intent in Lei Shan’s eyes shone, and the faces of the Spirit River Sect disciples changed. Bai Xiaochun got angrier. “抢我煞兽,还要夺我道瓶,你们太欺负人了!” “That’s what we’re doing. You want to blame something, blame the fact that there’s no strong people in your group!” Snorting coldly, Lei Shan flung his body out, heading straight for the Spirit River Sect. The other Mystic River Sect disciples grinned as they closed in from all sides. “白师叔!” “What do we do, Uncle Bai!” Just as the disciples of the Spirit River Sect was worrying, Bai Xiaochun’s eyes reddened. Raising his right hand, he revealed a black pellet in his palm, the pellet that was attracting the beasts. “等我扔下丹药后,你们……”白小纯红着眼,神色肃然的开口时,他身边的所有灵溪宗弟子,一个个在看到白小纯取出丹药后,全部倒吸口气,面色比之前玄溪宗到来时,更要惊恐,根本就没等白小纯话语说完,齐齐展开了全速,爆发出了超过以往的速度,疾驰后退,就要避开。 “That’s… The legendary aphrodisiac pellet?” “天啊,莫非这些煞兽也管用!” “Uncle Bai is a G.o.dlike figure, whether it works on the beasts or not, that just depends on Uncle Bai’s will… Leave, quickly! It’ll get dangerous if you’re not fast enough!”