Chapter 148 - Big Brother, Come Play With Me…在这半个陨剑世界内,此刻无数的区域,快速的模糊扭曲,似乎在这虚无里,有一头头沉睡的煞兽,在这一瞬,不知是被天雷唤醒,还是冥冥间感受到了白小纯的灵药,此刻竟全部在震动中,睁开了眼。Close to some of the places where the evil beasts awoke, there were several disciples from the Four Sects, but for the great majority of the areas where the beast regained consciousness, there were no cultivators near them. In that split second, all of the beast glared at Bai Xiaochun with ferocious eyes revealing greed and insanity,accompanied numerous roars. 紧接着,随着多处区域虚无如水波一样的波动,这半个陨剑世界内的煞兽,竟齐齐而动,于虚无中穿梭疾驰。
Yet… More astounding than the horrifying evil beast were the figures that slowly appeared one after another in the territories that the beasts did not occupy, in this half of the Meteoric Sword Abyss 有男有女,有老有少,最小的是一个穿着白色衣衫的小女孩,抱着一个没有皮的血色小熊,正茫然的漂浮,更有一些通天大陆从没有出现过的凶兽。They were… Evil Spirits! 是这把天外大剑,在无尽的岁月里,被其主人持有所灭杀的生命,于这地脉中,衍变而出的死魂!It was extremely bizzare and mysterious, with only one thing for certain… The past lives of these evil spirits, were not from the Babel Continent. In the legends they came from the eternal outer sky! 这些身影零散,分布在陨剑世界的偏僻区域,它们所在的地方,是煞兽的禁区,没有任何一头煞兽敢于靠近。At this moment, these figures started walking out slowly from the void of their respective territories, some with ancient clothing, others with armor, and a couple with scales covering their entire body. They they display strange characteristics, with many missing parts from their bodies, either without an arm or with the upper part of the head gone. A few even had holes in their abdomen, with black qi spreading out from it. 每一个煞魂,都带着茫然,它们没有神智,没有记忆,所过之处,所有煞兽都颤抖,任由这些煞魂漂过,若是恰好被煞魂碰到了身体,这些煞兽就立刻碎灭消散。The evil spirits that look like vicious beasts, in particular, were most perculiar, it is as if they were scrambled and awfully patched up together! 煞魂降临,穿梭虚无时,速度之快,难以形容,超越了一切空间的阻隔,所去的地方……正是白小纯所在之地!Great in numbers, they came orderly from all directions! 途中,一些四宗弟子察觉到了不对劲,他们看到了四周的虚无扭曲,看到了一个个煞兽的虚影若隐若现,原本正惊喜要去厮杀,可很快就头皮发麻,骇然的发现,这里的煞兽太多了。 They travel in such a large group, that it was like a tide of evil beasts!“What’s going on!” “天啊,这里的煞兽很难找,可如今怎么全部都自己出来了,数量居然如此庞大!”“Something must have happened, d.a.m.n it. What are those… Evil spirits, those are evil spirits!” In the half of the Meteoric Sword Abyss, the exclaimed cries of the disciples from all the four sects quickly reverberated, as they took a deep breath and start deeply and running away without hesitation especially when they saw the evil spirits coming out among the evil beasts. 对于煞魂的恐怖,四大宗的长老,对于弟子的叮嘱都是一样的,煞魂……陨剑深渊特有的存在,绝不可招惹,遇之立避!“all the evil spirits seemed to be attracted to that direction, what is going on over there!” “我们远远的跟着,去看一眼!”四周的四宗弟子,要么三五成群,要么单独,此刻都被这煞魂与煞兽之潮震撼,纷纷深吸口气,暗中跟随。At this moment, the half of the Meteoric Sword Abyss is rumbling, all because of the nine thunder cracks before Bai Xiaochun’s pellets came into existence. 山洞内,白小纯身体都消瘦了一圈,头发散乱,死死的盯着面前的丹炉,看着每一次轰鸣传出时,丹炉都会多出一道裂缝。It was the ninth crack when the furnace violently shook, exploding abruptly as cracks covered it, four beams of black dim light appearing at the same time, instantly flying out from the broken furnace.Bai Xiaochun was long prepared. With a sweep of his sleeve, his purple qi cauldron technique went into full swing outbreak, forming a force field, enveloping the surroundings ,directly pressed down on the four escaping pellets. With a grab, he got all of them in his palm. “想跑?”白小纯得意的哼了一声,低头看向手中的四枚丹药,目中露出火热,赶紧出了山洞,想要去找个煞兽看看效果。Just when he went out the cave, however, Bai Xiaochun’s eyes lit up suddenly, his body quickly stepping half a step backward, following after it was the swipe of a black scorpion tail that slas.h.i.+ng through the s.p.a.ce Bai Xiaochun was just occupying, that came from nothingness. 一击不中,一条一丈多长的黑色蝎子,从虚无中幻化,目中露出疯狂与贪婪,死死的盯着白小纯右手的四枚丹药,刹那扑来。Its imposing aura was strong, no weaker than the lesser evil beasts, even matching that middle level great bear from before. 白小纯目光一闪,左手快若闪电,超越了蝎子的速度,一把伸出抓住蝎尾,向着一旁的岩壁狠狠一轮,轰的一声砸下时,他的灵力瞬间迸发出来,轰入这蝎子的体内,直接碎灭了几处蝎体中最脆弱的几个区域,蝎子挣扎了一下,身体软了下来,飞快模糊,化作地脉之气被白小纯收走。Should it be some other ordinary cultivator, they would not have been able to handle a middle level evil beast like that. Even with the hints the sects gave, it would prove to be a difficult task to kill it that way.However, for Bai Xiaochun, who had researched more than a hundred evil beasts, all it took was a glance for him to locate the weaknesses of the evil beast, making the kill much simpler. “刚一出丹,就能引起煞兽的注意,哈哈,我白小纯的丹药,的确是成了!”白小纯振奋,更有强烈的得意感,正琢磨要不要将这四枚丹药炼灵时,他四周的虚无,肉眼可见的出现了一层层水波般的波纹,放眼看去,在四方远处,这波纹更多更强烈,甚至还有一头头煞兽的身影,若隐若现。“This many, that’s enough. Haha, if this goes on I, Bai Xiaochun, will be the first one to reach Foundation Establishment!” 白小纯眼看这些煞兽,更激动了,手舞足蹈,正要大干一场,可忽然面色一变,睁大了眼,看到在远处,赫然有一个只存在了半个头颅的身影,穿着一身灰色的长袍,仅剩下的一只眼内露出茫然,正漂浮而来,穿梭虚无时,头颅微动,那茫然的双眼在看向白小纯时,竟出现了一些神采波动。That expression showed desire. It instantly locked onto Bai Xiaochun, or, more precisely, on the pellets in Bai Xiaochun’s hands. it sped quickly towards bai Xiaochun's direction. 它四周的煞兽,看到这身影出现,立刻颤抖,不敢动弹,被那身影飞速掠过时,足有七八头煞兽,身体被碰触,直接崩溃消散,惨叫都没有传出。“Evil spirit?! Why did it attract evil spirits? Luckily there’s only one… Ah?” The scene following that changed Bai Xiaochun’s expression as he watched, before he finished his words another ghostly figure appeared in the distance, clothed in armor It had two arms and an unkempt hair, as it looked at Bai Xiaochun with the same urge, speedily gaining s.p.a.ce. 没有结束,更远处,还有一个老者,腹部有一个巨大的窟窿,也幻化出现,一步步走来。Bai Xiaochun’s scalp grew numb as he took a deep breath. He was just taking a step back when he abruptly realized that the evil spirits here weren’t just three or five, but… a whole group! 放眼四周,此刻虚无扭曲间,一个又一个的煞魂身影,陆续的出现,每一个煞魂身上,那渴望的目光,都让白小纯面色苍白,有种要被活活撕了的感觉。“Why is this happening!” Bai Xiaochun wanted to cry, but no tears came out as he quickly stepped backwards. Never mind a qi condensation cultivator, even the elders of the sects would have huge trouble facing these evil spirits. 可就在白小纯后退的瞬间,那些煞魂一个个猛的抬头,有一些发出了一声声尖锐的嘶吼,那嘶吼带着震慑,让四周的煞兽更为颤抖,白小纯全身一震,神智都要模糊,一个踉跄时,只觉得脑海如被一个重锤直接轰击,喷出一口鲜血,吓的浑身发抖,一样尖叫一声,咬着舌尖,借助疼痛清醒,加速逃遁。As cold sweat dripped down, the wings behind the big black pot waving to the extreme carried him with maximum speed, putting distance between him and the evil spirits that suddenly emerged. He was fast, but the evil spirits that walk within the nothingness, were faster. 眨眼间,这四周的数十个煞魂,全部向着白小纯不断地漂浮,越来越近……Some of the evil spirits among them, in particular, were the fastest. Other than the one with half a head, who was the first one to appear, there was a little girl in white clothing, silent. Her face was ghastly cold, with the longing desire in her eyes much stronger and intense. 远远的,不少四宗的修士跟随归来,看到了这一幕后,一个个都头皮发麻,其中灵溪宗的弟子,更是焦急,有一些试图去引走那些煞魂,可这些煞魂根本就不理会旁人,只追白小纯。“I’m gonna die!” Bai Xiaochun screamed as he ran for his life, tears almost coming out of his eyes. He never expected that the pellets he created for attracting evil beasts would involve these evil spirits as well. “该死的,一定是我刚才炼药时,弄错了什么地方,又炼出了怪丹!”白小纯悲哀,眼看这些煞魂越来越近,一个个疯了一样的追着自己,白小纯一咬牙,忍着心痛,将四枚丹药中的一枚,向着远处狠狠的扔出。The moment the pellet was thrown out, all the evil spirits paused in unison, all their heads raised as the vast majority of them changed direction, charging straight for the pellet, allowing Bai Xiaochun time to escape successfully. As he got farther away, he manned up and turned back for a look. 这一眼,他看到自己扔出的那枚丹药,在众多的煞魂争夺中,赫然被那个穿着白衣服的小女孩,以突然爆发出的极致速度,直接抢到,一口吞了下去。In the instant that pellet was consumed, the sense of being lost reflected in that girl's’ eyes faded a lot, and a quiet glow flashed through, it could be seen that her expression grew even colder and gloomier. With a closer and careful look, it was as if there were more qi movements on her body! 遥遥的,小女孩转头,与白小纯的目光对望。As the two locked eyes, Bai Xiaochun’s scalp seemed to explode as a ghostly and spooky sound sounded out from beside his ear. “哥哥,陪我玩吧……”这声音出现,立刻让白小纯全身汗毛都竖起,头也不回的展开全速,疾驰远去。(未完待续。)----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Translator: MarcusTLCed by: Sliver, Ayu